A legend begins in Dune: The Duke of Caladan, first in The Caladan Trilogy by New York Times bestselling authors Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson. Setting the stage for the legendary trilogy, this book tells the web of treachery around the ancestral world of Caladan led by Duke Leto. He vows to protect his people, his lover and his son but with the unseen enemies circling, Leto must decide if the twin burdens of duty and honour are worth the price of his life, family and love.
- Title: Dune: The Duke of Caladan
- Author: Brian Herbert & Kevin J Anderson
- Publisher: Penguin
- Genre: Science fiction/fantasy
- Fiction
- No. of pages: 320
- Black and white
- Paperback
- Dimensions (approx. cm): 23.3 x 15.6 x 2.2 (H x W x D)